Ecuador’s Hansen’s patients come from all walks of life. The environment at Damien House is one of hope and optimism. Patients are extremely fortunate to live in such a supportive community. Some patients will need to spend the rest of their lives at Damien House for long-term care of complications related to their illness. About half of the resident patients receive regular visits from their family members. For those without such visitors, the Damien House staff and residents become their family, keeping their spirits up. Damien House reaches out to involve the patients’ families, educating them about Hansen’s disease, dispelling fear, and offering psychological and spiritual counsel. The hospital also offers medical services to family members, and prescription help when possible
Natividad came to Damien House in January 2015. Before Damien House, she was living by herself, unable to walk or get around her house.
Carlos has been living off and on at Damien House for 20 years. He first came when he was 7 years old. He credits his faith in God to find the strength to continue to thrive.
León is a resident who you will never forget. His welcoming smile and amazing spirit will prove to you the wonderful things Damien House does for those affected by Hansen's disease.